It is Wednesday evening. Most of you will read this in the next day or two. I heard a message tonight by Dr. Bob Smart on Deuteronomy 32:11 where God declares He is “like an eagle that stirs up its nest…” About six weeks after little eaglets are born, mama eagle kicks them out of the soft, comfortable and safe nest. Leaving the nest is risky…they need to do something they have never done before: fly!
It was a great message. I took a lot of notes. But I did not like it. Why? It was the third time this week I heard the message of risk…of flying.
The first was last Sunday. I had the privilege of attending Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan. They are launching a movement called Rise. It the first phase of a decade-long plan to triple the body of Christ in New York City, to plant 87 new churches and train new leaders. The cost for phase one: $80 million! Lord – why do I think so small? Trust you for so little?
The next stirring of my nest came this past Monday at Grace Presbyterian Church in Peoria, IL. Dr. Bryan Chapell, the senior pastor, was sharing on the vision of the church. They are launching the “Global Gospel Delivery” initiative to recharge their media ministry and have an international TV, radio and internet presence. They raised $2million for this. One church. Lord – why do I think so small? Trust you for so little?
And then tonight, God “is like an eagle that stirs up its nest.” Oh. Nuts. There is the message of risk again. Big risk. I don’t know what all this means, but my vision has been stirred. Lord, give me a vision for the flying that lies ahead…and help me trust you.
Those are the stirrings of my heart and I just wanted to pass them on to you. I’m wondering if God is stirring up your nest and what new flight path you might be trusting Him for. Whatever it might be, don’t do it to please God because He is already pleased with you. Do it because you love Him and the adventure He has you on.
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Amazing how different risks looks with God when it’s not about performing. It’s exciting and freeing, instead of stressful and burdensome. No less scary though, haha.
Stephen – I really like how you disconnected risk taking from performing and how when we do it is freeing instead of being burdensome. Great addition to the post.
Just as soaring is in the nature of the eagle — whether the eaglet thinks he’s ready for it or not — trusting God to do amazing — and undreamt-of things — is in our nature as children of God! Keep on soaring, brother!
Stewart! Thanks for the incredibly encouraging insight. – bill
Recently when I was very sick and in the hospital, I had a very different word picture of eagles. The one at the end of the Lord of the Rings after Frodo and Sam have finally gotten rid of the ring into the fire! They are totally exhausted and leave the mountain trying to escape the fire and destruction just far enough to be safe, they hope. The giant eagles come to rescue them and carry them back home to Gandalf. This to me is more the sense of the end of Isa 40. but it greatly enocuraged me. sometimes He does kick us out of the nest though! I’m sensing a new direction from all this in the ministry in Zambia! And only HE can truly do it-may i have the faith to trust Him to do it thru me!
So good to see you last week and we are rejoicing at your recovery. Love the Isa 40 reference and the tie in to Lord of the Rings. The last phrase of Deut 32:11 that I did not include in the post is this, “spreading out its wings, catching them.” May you feel His wings underneath you!!