In this new series, we will look at four intensely intertwined realities:
- The most dangerous circumstance we can be in…being alone.
- The most dangerous emotion and how it fosters and perpetuates this dangerous circumstance…being ashamed.
- The most terrifying emotion and how it feeds the most dangerous emotion…being abandoned.
- The only solution to being held in the captivity of aloneness, the grip of shame, and the fear of abandonment.
All of this is in Genesis chapters 2 and 3!
Lets start with the danger of being alone. Genesis 2:18 is an overlooked verse but critically important. The serpent, realizing the danger that God speaks to in this verse, makes use of it in successfully tempting Eve to distrust God and then uses it to create and perpetuate the most dangerous condition that mankind can be in: alone.
“It is not good that man should be alone.” (Genesis 2:18)
Wow! Pause and ponder that for a moment. When we are alone we are never in a good place. Never in a healthy place – but always in a bad place. And as we will see in the weeks ahead, in a place of unavoidable danger and great fear.
First we need to understand what it means to be alone. The best way to understand what it means to be alone is to understand the relationship God created so that Adam was not alone. God creates Eve and then verse 25 says this:
“And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.”
There were Adam and Eve. Naked. Totally exposed. Totally known. Nothing hidden. They had no shame that made them want to hide some aspect of their being. That is what it means to not be alone. It means there is someone who knows everything about you and still loves and accepts you. There is nothing you have to hide.
Whenever you and I live with something hidden we are alone…and that is “NOT GOOD.” Does everyone need to know everything? No. But there needs to be someone with whom we are totally exposed. Totally vulnerable. It is this relationship that God created to solve Adam’s aloneness.
Satan’s key strategy was to move Adam and Eve to a place of being alone. And it is still his number one strategy with us. Understanding how he did it with Adam and Eve is key…because that is how he is doing with us. That’s next.
“It is not good that man should be alone.”
Are you alone?
Bill, this series of blogposts is God’s perfect timing for many conversations Monique and I are having with couples in their marriage journeys. Perfect! There are so many ways we create aloneness for ourselves and our spouses. Jesus’ has given us the opportunity for connection, reconnection, nakedness. Thanks my friend!
Those who belong to God through faith in Christ Jesus are never really alone,