This week we have a very special podcast with guest Dr. Bryan Chapell. Bryan is President Emeritus of Covenant Seminary, author of a number of best selling books, and also a friend. In this podcast he tells the story of pastoring his first church and how he stood in the pulpit every Sunday and hurt people. Bryan felt like a complete failure and was ready to leave the ministry. The message of moral behavior without the enablement of grace was hurting both his congregation and himself. Then Bryan made a key discovery…listen!
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Great podcast Bill! I also love your post on the Beatitudes! Thanks so much for this gift! I look forward to the next podcast and would love to talk to you some time soon.
Vic – so GOOD to hear from you. I would love to talk with you as well. Let’s set that up. Send me an email with some possible times.
Thanks again Bill and Bryan, for a very encouraging interview. It’s just another example of how the law, by itself, can do nothing to sanctify us. Even when it’s done with a smile. Usually by a preacher who will get up and tell us that if we just do this, and just do that, God will bless our life and things will go well for us. It’s called soft law… Someone once said that the principal cause of all abuse within the church is the lack of distinction between law and gospel. Grace is not a law. It meets us where we are, even after we’ve been a christian a long time. Grace is life. It softens the heart and renews the mind. And teaches us of a God who died for us, and loves us unconditionally. The Gospel is the power of God that does not scold us or make deals with us. But rather it lead us to respond in love and gratitude for what Christ has accomplished, in our place.
Jon – I think Jesus was very clear – but Satan has created a performance culture…and as humans we love performance because we can get credit…and so much of the church has bought into it. Performance cultures are also control cultures…and no one matures in a control culture. I have a very strong hunch that grace is extremely clear in the gospels…as Jesus is the exact representation of the Father.
I just finished reading “HOLINESS by GRACE” by Bryan, to my wife for the second time and it is so refreshing and encouraging. I enjoyed the interview and looking forward to more of the same. Keep up the good work.
Hi R.J.
Thanks for taking time to comment! The second part of the series is my favorite! Hope our paths can cross soon.
Thanks, Bill and Bryan, for a great interview. I’m looking forward to Part II.
Thanks Greg! Part II is my favorite!